Our Blog

Designed and wrote an eight-page ebook for Hoot Myopia Care as a guide for optometrists to treat parents as heroes in their child’s myopia care. Created in Canva.

Created the “Lift Your Mood” ebook as a personal portfolio project after completing an interior design course. The ebook offers decor suggestions for those with mood disorders. Each page or page spread tackles an aspect of interior decor that helps the reader rejuvenate and customize their own space to fight the blues.

Redesigned and updated the content for the 2018 March for Science Seattle website using clean, minimalist style. The 19-page site includes an interactive People of Science interview page and an expanded blog. This project required quick action to learn Squarespace and update constantly changing material within a tight timeline. Both the MFSS team and visitors praised the look and easy navigation of the site.

© Copyright 2016-2023 Debbie R King | Background Photos by Chinnu indrakumar and Nancy Barron Booher